Sunday, December 14, 2008

\(^_^)/ = Hurrah for Emoticons!

Emoticon: the combination of keyboard characters representing an emotion, such as : ) for "happy", : ( for "sad." The word is a combination of the words "emotion" and "icon."

I recently learned that, in Asia, ^^ equals :-). It was explained to me that ^^ represents the shape your eyes make when you are smiling. I love it! I now find myself using ^^ on a regular basis in emails, even to other Westerners who have no idea what it means.

Some of my favorites from

d(^_^)b = thumbs up (not ears)

\(^_^)/ = cheers, hurrah

(*^^*) = shyness (*s represent blushing cheeks!)

(<.<) = shifty, suspicious

v(^_^)v = victory

(>^_^)> <(^_^<) = hugging each other

Please send me your favorites to post!

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