Friday, December 5, 2008


cfuchs said...

This is hilarious! Ellen, I love this blog - you will need to introduce it to our class on Monday... :)

Ellen Baird said...

Thanks, Carolin!
Now if only I could get my students to comment on this blog :-), ^^!

Demimonde Mesila Thraam said...

"But wow, have you ever met Interrobang? Dude, Interrobang is the type you just don't see much of in public, but if you listen closely, you'll hear him, all right, he has a voice you can't miss..."

What a fascinating career you must have, Ellen, speaks the psychedelinguisticist typing this comment.

Oh yeah, this is Psyche, in case you didn't know it. "Mesila" is my latest moniker, which I began using after Deek left me, since I'd been called by my middle name 'Monde' for about 12 years and 10 of those were years people called us the 'Mondeek unit' in the same way Ged and Dave used to be called 'Geddave' at B-Hall. Naturally, when the 'Mondeek unit' dissolved, it gave me the need to do what I swore I'd never do again and change my name since 'Monde' started feeling like half of something that no longer existed, which kind of sucked.

But no one could pay me enough to change it again.

('Mesila' means 'Elevated Path' in Hebrew, and no, I've not converted to Judaism; it's a metaphysical thing I'll spare your blog any further explanation about...)